Wednesday, December 30, 2020




On November 9, 2016 the American people awoke to one of the biggest upsets in American political history. The self ordained queen of the United States, Hillary Clinton, had lost her bid to rule this nation. The upstart candidate Donald had touched off a movement by reaching in and igniting the pride and respect of the true rulers of the United States. The people had heard, had listened and had spoken. The people listened as the opponent referred to them as deplorables, stupid, unworthy and so much more. The people listened in disgust and spoke with a voice that could be heard across the earth. Hillary could be heard yelling, screaming and cackling that her birthright had been stolen and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to destroy this upstart Trump. She wondered why the machines that had been used to tabulate the vote hadn’t worked as intended. She was told there was a glitch in the programming and the voter turnout for Trump had been so massive it had destroyed the algorithm that had been put into place to steal the 2016 election for her reign.

Even before Trump took the oath of office the talk of impeachment had begun. Plans to block any policy to give the power back to the rightful heirs of this nation, the people, were being discussed and put into place. To the Hillary’s, Biden’s Obama’s, Pelosi’s, Schumer’s and many others talk of a nationalistic movement would destroy their globalist dreams. All the work that had been done to decrease the strength of the military, the possibility of noninvolvement in foreign wars, the possibility of returning economic power and growth to the American people would have a huge detrimental effect on the policies and procedures already set into place to assimilate the United States as a third world nation under the control of a few elites and their associates.

And so it began. The lies of Russian collusion. Painting a picture that Trump was Putin’s lackey. Spying on a legally elected administration by segments of the institutions that are supposed to help this nation. Instead these very institutions took the tack to destroy rather than nurture the seeds of growth and prosperity.  The FBI, CIA, DOJ, portions of the Pentagon have been complicit in these actions. All to avail.

During this time the economy grew, unemployment decreased, the pockets of the employed were fuller due to decreased taxes and regulations. Segments of minority populations saw what was happening and began to gravitate towards what was now being termed the movement of the “Deplorables” much to the horror of the democrats. Regrouping, the powers of the democrats knew they had to do something drastic in order to regain the power they had lied, cheated and stolen through the brief history of this nation. All the while this was taking place secret handshakes were implemented between the democrat party and the mainstream media. Nothing Trump did would be correct. Everything Trump implemented would be lied about. The democrats would be viewed as the saviors of the United States and the Trump/Deplorable movement would be dismissed as evil.

But the improvement of the American people and this economy continued to improve. The people continued to leave the party’s of what was to the movement of what is and what will be. Manufacturing continued to return to this land, growth and prosperity continued to be felt by more and more people. Troops were coming home as involvement in foreign wars decreased and the need to kill our own people on foreign lands was lessening.

By now the military industrial complex, as President Eisenhower termed them, was seeing their power and control being stripped from their grasp. Corporations could see their profit structure in a slight downward trend a movement from lands of cheap slave labor to that of the American worker was taking place. Nothing was seen to have the ability to stop this nationalist movement.  Joining the combatants were the mainstream media and Big Tech. Deals had been made with the major adversary of the United States to stop the growth and prosperity of this nation. But diversionary tactics were necessary until this coupling of evil could take place. All focus was placed on the false issue of Russia, Russian interference, collusion between Russia and the United States, false agreements between Trump and Putin. Any issue was always directed towards Russia to divert the attention from the real partnership between those who had now philosophically left the democrat party to become the democrat socialists. The deal made was a deal with the devil, China.

China, the land where freedoms only matter if you are part of the politic elite. The philosophy of the individual does not exist. The needs of the many will always outweigh the needs of the one. Therefore individual freedoms and rights to live do not exist. There is nothing more important than the state. The state is their god. Any talk of a higher power is persecuted and eradicated. Nothing is more important than the state. That is the god of the ccp, themselves. The left has adapted this philosophy as their own. The government shall provide for all. But we have seen the hypocrisy between what is said and the actions taken.

If one wishes to speak of collusion then one must refer to the coordinated effort between the WHO, the ccp, CDC, NIH. FBI, CIA, DOJ, Fauci, Bill Gates, Wuhan Lab, the democrat left, mainstream media, George Soros, central bank, antifa, blm, the Coronavirus, Dominion, Smartmatic, politicians who ignore the basic foundational documents of this nation, the crumbling and failed institutions of this nation and the return to the globalist movement.

Looking at this enemy from the perspective of all inclusive it is an daunting task to defeat what has become our mortal enemy. Daunting, but not insurmountable. Each step that we take has been necessary in order to expose the evil that has been set before us. Each blockage to correct these wrongs have shown us the amount of effort our enemy will put forth to gain and retain control of the people to enslave us as they slither behind deception, lies and oppression to further their own profit while killing anything that stands in their way. Evidence of the extent these godless creatures will go has been revealed in the riots and murders that have taken place in our cities, the attempt to butcher our safety by taking away the funding and power of these who have sworn to protect and serve the people, false statistics and outright lies about how dangerous a virus is even though the recovery rate is over 99 percent. The continued lockdowns and delineation of the people’s rights to assemble, worship, work, live.etc. This is not the blanket of socialism encroaching upon our lives. This is a Marxist, Communist move ment that has been engrained into our youth through an education system that had abandoned our history and the intent of this nation.

But engrained into our foundation, our history, our DNA is the call of freedom. We fought a revolution to free ourselves of our suppressors, our monarchs, our dictators. Are we to be lead down the path of that oppression once more? Never. Efforts are being utilized to correct these injustices for the salvation of this nation and the people.  But we must prepare for and do more. It is time for the people to take this to the streets. We must demonstrate nationwide that we will not accept the fraud and collusion that has taken place in our election process. National recalls must take place for all elected officials that are complicit in tring to overthrow this nation. Efforts that are being blocked to investigate the fraud that has been shown in the voting machines must be seized. If the government won’t do it then it is up to the people to storm these facilities to gain control and to demonstrate we will not stand for this. Not now. Not ever. There is a demonstration taking place in Washington D.C. on January 6th of 2021. Congress must be surrounded to show the power of the people. Those who wish to block us will be replaced. Not by election but by recall and impeachment. Those who wish to combat us will be met with equal and or greater force. Those who wish to harm us, such as antifa and blm, will be met with a resistance they cannot imagine. This nation was founded upon the principles of Judeo-Christian tenets to form a more perfect union. Not a concentration camp run by elites who have no regard for freedoms and rights. This will not stand. We will never relinquish. We will never back down. Our fight has just begun. You, of the left have used most of your first phase ammunition and are now resorting to other means. Bombings in our cities do not deter us. They only act to solidify our resolve and our strength. Gunshots do not frighten us as we are the nation of “Deplorables” who respect our second amendment rights and know how to use weapons for our own protection. You are outmanned, outgunned and outmaneuvered. The one thing you have forgotten or wish to ignore is that this nation is ours, not yours. We will go to any lengths to retain this nation. When the dust has settled you will either be jailed or dead. Treason is one of the foulest crimes that can be committed by factions who wish to overthrow a nation. Ask Benedict Arnold when you meet him on your way to the gates of hell. That is your destiny. You will be destroyed.

Ric Wells

Common Man


#revolution #treason #deplorables #freedom

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