“I am speaking to you from
the office of the president-elect. It is time to put our differences aside and
unite as a nation.” These were the words that Joe Biden uttered after the November
3rd election. The problem with this statement is twofold. First the
election had just taken place and in the United States that is just the first
step. No vote, not one state had certified their results so no state had
declared their electors to any candidate. Therefore there was no president-elect.
Second there is no such office as the office of the president-elect. All was a
fraud and a lie. Something that Joe Biden is oh so familiar with. He has lied
so much over so many issues to so many people that it has become second nature
to him. In all probability Joe Biden cannot differentiate between the truth and
a lie. To Joe they are synonymous.
In a land of legalese words
make a huge difference. Joe’s request for the opposition to unite had singular
effect. We did unite. But not in the way Joe, Kamala, the media and the left
have anticipated. The opposition united in force and a singular voice of
opposition will increase. We will block any and all attempts to steal this most
sacred of rights the people have. A fair and honest election. This opposition
has and will continue to grow and if the fraud by Joe is successful the illegitimate
office holder will never be able to accomplish anything. He will be treated in
the same manner they have treated the existing president during his entire term
and before. State governments will be opposed to the point where frustration
will set in and office holders will either resign or remain lame duck as they
warm their seats. In effect Joe Biden has been the most influential and powerful
force to unite a huge portion people against his administration, their policies
and their institutions.
It has been widely stated by
the Biden administration that if elected they will do away with the power of
the second amendment and confiscate the people’s right to protect themselves. If this obvious attempt to render the people
helpless against a tyrannical government is attempted the people will give their
guns but not in the manner anticipated by the government. The people will not
fire upon those officers who are sent to collect these weapons. Rather
government officials will cower in fear as to what might happen and those very
officers will have to be utilized as security forces to protect these self appointed
dictators. History has shown time and time again that dictatorships are always
overthrown in time by the very same people they oppress. Usually the
overthrowing is of a violent nature but not always. In this case I do not see
how violence can be avoided if the Biden administration insists upon pursuing
the policies that are in diametric opposition to those inalienable rights guaranteed
to the people by God. Even if the democrats take the Senate and the White House
any attempt to dismantle the Constitution, pack the Supreme Court, abolish the
Electoral College, align themselves with China and Iran, open the borders, send
jobs out of this nation, dismantle the police, lockdown this nation over a
virus that is not as dangerous as the flu, dismantle our society, destroy the
healthy physical, psychological and educational growth of our children and do
away with the filibuster will be a call to arms to the people who cherish this
nation. The democrats do not have enough people, arms or jail cells to stop us.
You sound a call to unite
when you and your cronies are blocking any attempt that we have a fair and honest
election. You deny and ties with the CCP, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Kazitstan
when there is provable evidence and admissions of illegal transactions and
business dealings. Your own son and other have stated the proof of your
involvement. You and Obama coerced phony charges against General Flynn stating
he violated the Logan Act. This is the very act you have violated when you
contacted foreign governments to discuss foreign policy as the phony and illegal
president-elect. You were complicit in a
phony attempt to impeach President Trump under the guise of Quid Pro Quo with
no evidence of such activity and yet you brag of the very same violation of
office when you were vice president under Obama. These are still grounds for
impeachment which will be levied against you if you and your mob pull off this fraud
and coup. And these are just the issues that have surfaced as of now. What is
waiting in the wings will bring you, your illegal running mate, your lackeys of
cabinet selections, your dwindling power of the media, all the governors,
mayors and so many others to your knees. There is a reckoning coming and when the
dust settles you will be extinguished.
What you ask is impossible to
give. We will never relinquish this government to a totalitarian and your
cronies. It is fully recognized that you are definitely tied to the CCP in
their attempt to take over this nation and to rule the world. We have recognized
that you and your cohorts are willing to do anything to overthrow this
republic. Be assured we are of the same ilk. In this type of warfare, a war of
survival, there are no rules. You have proven that this past summer when you and
the democrats did absolutely nothing as you allowed people to be murdered,
handcuffed law enforcement, allowed cities to be burned, businesses to be
destroyed both physically and financially, caged people by threatening them
with unconstitutional rules and regulations, disbanding legal rights of
assembly and so much more.
You have ignited a flame
within us to oppose you and your ilk by any means necessary. We stand at the
ready and watch as all legal means are being attempted to shut you down are
blocked. But we know your cohorts, the ccp, have infiltrated this nation and
its institutions through blackmail, bribery, collusion, coercion and any other
illegal means you could concoct. You and yours have infiltrated our society and
education system so that our youth no nothing of our proud history, our progress,
our stance for human rights, our involvement worldwide to shut down tyrannical
regimes, dictatorships, human rights violations, monopolies that harmed the
people of this nation, voter rights and the recognition of what and who are the
engines that run this nation. The people.
We fought a war to rid
ourselves of a despot who wished to rule us with an iron fist. We defeated that
enemy because we did not fight by their rules. They were shocked at our rules
of engagement which we learned from the people’s that already inhabited this
land when we arrived. We learn well and are not afraid to expand on that
knowledge. As stated before there are no rules when it comes to survival. It is
the strongest who will survive. The strongest in will, determination, spirituality,
morals and rights as well as strategy and tactics. We Deplorables, Chumps, Ugies
and Hobbits, as you have referred to us as, will not stand down. Will never
relinquish. You are facing a war by an opposition who will disregard legal means
just as you and your conspirators have. We do not mind getting down in the mud.
As a matter of fact we relish in it. You on the other hand are weak. soft, have
no conviction and when the fun starts you will turn tail and run like a rabbit
down into your holes which we will flood and you will die the deaths of
cowards. So Joe, you and Kamala, be wary what you ask for because you will get
Ric Wells
Common Man
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