Saturday, December 5, 2020

 China has been in existence for over 5000 years. They have also had 2500 years to study and perfect Sun Tzu's The Art of War. something they are experts at. What the left either fails to realize or is too ignorant to accept is that China's philosophy of the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of thie few is diametrically opposed to the wests philosophy of individualism. If the left is successful in obtaining control of these United States they are in the shock of their lives. China has stated their goal is the genocide of all who live in America. They care noy who helped in that goal. Those who aided in this coup will not be safe and will be edaricated as with the rest of us. Such is the blindness of the left. They know not who the real enemy is. It is who they have chosen to partner with.

James Gray and Rod Patchen

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