Tuesday, January 19, 2021




What we have been shown in the past four plus years are that possibilities can become realities. We live in confusing and dangerous times. Danger not only to this nation but to ourselves as well. The incoming power structure and administration has already said and demonstrated they will take any step necessary to quiet and dispose of anyone who opposes them. Many in the position of power on the left have already stated that all Trump supporters are to be considered domestic terrorists and any and all restrictions and penalties that go along with that distinction should and will be enforced. A bill to ban all people from the people’s house, Congress, has been introduced in the House or Representatives and is expected to pass if it hasn’t already. When the two senators from Georgia are sworn init is expected to pass that body and sent to the White House for Joe Biden to give his rubber stamp of approval.

During the past four years the Trump administration has exposed the evil that runs rampant throughout the federal, government, financial sector, media outlets, Big Tech, Big Pharma, health organizations, education sector, judicial branch, political opposition, foreign nations and organizations, and so many other organizations whose sole goal is the takeover and destruction of these United States.

Despite all of his accomplishments history will remember President Trump as the President who was impeached twice within a thirteen month period of his only term. He will be remembered as the President who could not stop the overthrow of this nation. He will be questioned as to why he did not invoke the Insurrection Act as riots destroyed and cities burned during the summer of 2020. Many will wonder why he did not fire the head of the FBI, Wray, when it was apparent that Wray was complicit in the cover up of the Hunter Biden laptop and the collusion between the Biden Crime Family Syndicate and the ccp. History will be replete with examples of how the left galvanized their efforts to block any attempt of a fair and honest election, attempts to reopen an economy that was shut down under false pretenses thereby destroying the basic foundation of the economic structure of this nation. President Trump warned the people of the power the deep state had accrued but he even admitted he was shocked at the breadth and depth of the evil tentacles that were spread across the globe and slowly organized to culminate in what was witnessed on the Night of November 3rd-4th and thereafter.

So now the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden administration is set to take place one day from now at the time of this writing. What we are witnessing in D.C. is the sign of things to come. Massive amounts of troops and police, having had to pledge their allegiance to the upcoming administration, have swarmed our nation’s capital as a reminder they are in control now and there is nothing that we the people can do about it. Check points have been established to verify a citizen and there right to exist in this nation. All the while plans by the upcoming administration are to open all borders and let anyone in this nation regardless of intent. There are plans to grant immediate citizenship to some 20 million people who are here illegally. Having done so the new democrat socialist party is guarantying they remain in power in the foreseeable future. Any attempt to regain control of a fair and honest election will be squashed and instigators of this attempt will be tried and jailed on any charge the left can think of.

There are cries of wait until 2022 by the republican party. But this party as we know it has been shattered and destroyed. And they did it to themselves. The true nature of the republican party surfaced during the last months of the Trump administration. There was never any honest attempt by the power structure of the republican party to align themselves with any attempt to uphold the Constitution and thereby retain an honest election. There was never any honest attempt by the House, Senate and Supreme Court to denounce the riots in so many major cities. But in doing so Donald Trump revealed the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the Legislative and Judicial branches of the federal government and the legislative, executive and judicial branches of so many state governments.

 What we as a people must admit is that the coup by the left has been successful. Donald Trump will be replaced by Joe Biden then in all probability by Kamala Harris. But this transition will not take place in 2024. This is sheer speculation but I can envision this transfer from Biden to Harris before 2022. Things will have been set into motion to insure the democrat socialist party retaining and increasing power in the 2022 election to secure a huge majority in both houses of Congress. By that time new states will have been brought in, the filibuster abolished, the Electoral College destroyed and the Supreme Court packed. After this happens I see nothing stopping the left from abolishing the office of the Presidency of the Executive Branch of government and installing a lifetime monarch whose sole purpose is to support the whims and fancies of the Congress. It must be stated that I have heard of no attempt to do this but given the extent the left will go to insure control and power this may not be out of the question. The question must be asked what is to stop them? The only answer I can come up with at the present time is that the ccp would not allow it. The ccp’s goal is to take over this nation as a means of feeding their people and we are expendable beyond the effort to support the ccp.

The past four years has exposed the attempt of worldwide domination by the left. We must remember that we placed Donald Trump at the head of the Executive Branch of the federal government. Even though the attempt to steal the 2016 election was in place, the people came out in sufficient numbers to thwart the algorithm to change a Clinton false victory into a defeat. But the left learned the lessons of their mistakes and was successful in their coup of 2020. Now the Trump administration will be gone and there will be an attempt to destroy the man and the movement. Again we must recognize that the man recognized the people and tapped into their anger and frustration. Trump will still be a power force in the populist movement if he chooses to do so. In what capacity only time will tell. But that is not the point. Donald Trump was the match that lit the fire in our bellies. He was the first leg of a long distance relay race. He has reached the transfer point and the baton must be passed for the movement to continue. I will reiterate this is not sprint. Obstacles will be thrown in front of us at every step of the way. There will be many clashes during the upcoming months and years. Our first job in the second leg is to study and analyze the movements, tactics and strategy of who has become a sworn enemy. There are many historic references to learn from for the many victories and defeats we will realistically be facing. We must know our enemy to the fullest extent possible and learn from Sun Tzu, George Washington, General Patton, Winston Churchill and even some of the tactics of Stalin and Mao. Attack when and where the enemy is most vulnerable.

The victory of the battle has been theirs but not the war. As time wears they will start to implode on each other for that culture cannot tolerate any form of dissension or difference of opinion. As this begins to foster then is the time to decide on strategic plans to restore this nation. When the time is appropriate we will launch or effort. When successful it must be recognized the nation we recoup will not be the one that was taken away from us. That would be impossible for time changes all. We will be facing the problem of incorporating a people that had been fooled into believing  was a righteous and justified movement. As a reformed Judeo/Christian nation we must find it in our souls, hearts, minds and policies to welcome back those who were fooled and even taken by coercion and force into the throws of the left. Then and only then will we be able to reclaim the title of these United States of America.


Ric Wells

Common Man


#war # revolution #coup #left #Judeo/Christian #fraud #election #nation


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