Tuesday, January 19, 2021




What we have been shown in the past four plus years are that possibilities can become realities. We live in confusing and dangerous times. Danger not only to this nation but to ourselves as well. The incoming power structure and administration has already said and demonstrated they will take any step necessary to quiet and dispose of anyone who opposes them. Many in the position of power on the left have already stated that all Trump supporters are to be considered domestic terrorists and any and all restrictions and penalties that go along with that distinction should and will be enforced. A bill to ban all people from the people’s house, Congress, has been introduced in the House or Representatives and is expected to pass if it hasn’t already. When the two senators from Georgia are sworn init is expected to pass that body and sent to the White House for Joe Biden to give his rubber stamp of approval.

During the past four years the Trump administration has exposed the evil that runs rampant throughout the federal, government, financial sector, media outlets, Big Tech, Big Pharma, health organizations, education sector, judicial branch, political opposition, foreign nations and organizations, and so many other organizations whose sole goal is the takeover and destruction of these United States.

Despite all of his accomplishments history will remember President Trump as the President who was impeached twice within a thirteen month period of his only term. He will be remembered as the President who could not stop the overthrow of this nation. He will be questioned as to why he did not invoke the Insurrection Act as riots destroyed and cities burned during the summer of 2020. Many will wonder why he did not fire the head of the FBI, Wray, when it was apparent that Wray was complicit in the cover up of the Hunter Biden laptop and the collusion between the Biden Crime Family Syndicate and the ccp. History will be replete with examples of how the left galvanized their efforts to block any attempt of a fair and honest election, attempts to reopen an economy that was shut down under false pretenses thereby destroying the basic foundation of the economic structure of this nation. President Trump warned the people of the power the deep state had accrued but he even admitted he was shocked at the breadth and depth of the evil tentacles that were spread across the globe and slowly organized to culminate in what was witnessed on the Night of November 3rd-4th and thereafter.

So now the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden administration is set to take place one day from now at the time of this writing. What we are witnessing in D.C. is the sign of things to come. Massive amounts of troops and police, having had to pledge their allegiance to the upcoming administration, have swarmed our nation’s capital as a reminder they are in control now and there is nothing that we the people can do about it. Check points have been established to verify a citizen and there right to exist in this nation. All the while plans by the upcoming administration are to open all borders and let anyone in this nation regardless of intent. There are plans to grant immediate citizenship to some 20 million people who are here illegally. Having done so the new democrat socialist party is guarantying they remain in power in the foreseeable future. Any attempt to regain control of a fair and honest election will be squashed and instigators of this attempt will be tried and jailed on any charge the left can think of.

There are cries of wait until 2022 by the republican party. But this party as we know it has been shattered and destroyed. And they did it to themselves. The true nature of the republican party surfaced during the last months of the Trump administration. There was never any honest attempt by the power structure of the republican party to align themselves with any attempt to uphold the Constitution and thereby retain an honest election. There was never any honest attempt by the House, Senate and Supreme Court to denounce the riots in so many major cities. But in doing so Donald Trump revealed the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the Legislative and Judicial branches of the federal government and the legislative, executive and judicial branches of so many state governments.

 What we as a people must admit is that the coup by the left has been successful. Donald Trump will be replaced by Joe Biden then in all probability by Kamala Harris. But this transition will not take place in 2024. This is sheer speculation but I can envision this transfer from Biden to Harris before 2022. Things will have been set into motion to insure the democrat socialist party retaining and increasing power in the 2022 election to secure a huge majority in both houses of Congress. By that time new states will have been brought in, the filibuster abolished, the Electoral College destroyed and the Supreme Court packed. After this happens I see nothing stopping the left from abolishing the office of the Presidency of the Executive Branch of government and installing a lifetime monarch whose sole purpose is to support the whims and fancies of the Congress. It must be stated that I have heard of no attempt to do this but given the extent the left will go to insure control and power this may not be out of the question. The question must be asked what is to stop them? The only answer I can come up with at the present time is that the ccp would not allow it. The ccp’s goal is to take over this nation as a means of feeding their people and we are expendable beyond the effort to support the ccp.

The past four years has exposed the attempt of worldwide domination by the left. We must remember that we placed Donald Trump at the head of the Executive Branch of the federal government. Even though the attempt to steal the 2016 election was in place, the people came out in sufficient numbers to thwart the algorithm to change a Clinton false victory into a defeat. But the left learned the lessons of their mistakes and was successful in their coup of 2020. Now the Trump administration will be gone and there will be an attempt to destroy the man and the movement. Again we must recognize that the man recognized the people and tapped into their anger and frustration. Trump will still be a power force in the populist movement if he chooses to do so. In what capacity only time will tell. But that is not the point. Donald Trump was the match that lit the fire in our bellies. He was the first leg of a long distance relay race. He has reached the transfer point and the baton must be passed for the movement to continue. I will reiterate this is not sprint. Obstacles will be thrown in front of us at every step of the way. There will be many clashes during the upcoming months and years. Our first job in the second leg is to study and analyze the movements, tactics and strategy of who has become a sworn enemy. There are many historic references to learn from for the many victories and defeats we will realistically be facing. We must know our enemy to the fullest extent possible and learn from Sun Tzu, George Washington, General Patton, Winston Churchill and even some of the tactics of Stalin and Mao. Attack when and where the enemy is most vulnerable.

The victory of the battle has been theirs but not the war. As time wears they will start to implode on each other for that culture cannot tolerate any form of dissension or difference of opinion. As this begins to foster then is the time to decide on strategic plans to restore this nation. When the time is appropriate we will launch or effort. When successful it must be recognized the nation we recoup will not be the one that was taken away from us. That would be impossible for time changes all. We will be facing the problem of incorporating a people that had been fooled into believing  was a righteous and justified movement. As a reformed Judeo/Christian nation we must find it in our souls, hearts, minds and policies to welcome back those who were fooled and even taken by coercion and force into the throws of the left. Then and only then will we be able to reclaim the title of these United States of America.


Ric Wells

Common Man


#war # revolution #coup #left #Judeo/Christian #fraud #election #nation


Saturday, January 16, 2021



One must be reminded because a battle is lost the war has not. Likewise because a battle has been won the war has not. Sadly, as a movement we grossly underestimated our enemy. And yes they are an enemy. But what we have also learned that the breadth and scope of said enemy is far deeper and wider than we could have ever envisioned. Now is not the time for reaction. It is a time for reflection, research and study.

What we have learned so far is that this enemy will use every tool available to them to achieve their goal. We have also learned that this enemy extends far outside the territory we are striving to maintain. There are worldwide organizations whose goal it is not to take over these United States but to destroy it. We have witnessed the influence of the ccp through the Biden Crime Family Syndicate as they further their efforts to destroy our nation both from within and without. The financial injections of George Soros, the ccp, the central banks have thus far successfully destroyed our election process through the strategies and tactics of the democrat party and also of those in the republican party who have sided with the tyranny and treason.

What we can expect in the near future is a total teardown and breakdown of our Constitutional rights as instilled by God through our founding documents. The left has successfully taken over the three branches of the federal government. They left’s first goal is to destroy President Trump through another false impeachment. Their intention is to bring him to trial even if it’s after the transfer of power to the Biden/Harris administration. The reasoning behind this is not only to destroy President Trump but to also destroy the populist movement that has formed throughout these past four years.

The left has demonstrated that there are no boundaries they will  attempt to achieve their goal. This is a lesson that must be learned and remembered. They will lie, cheat, steal, destroy, collude and murder those who get in their way. These tactics have been exposed throughout the summer as our cities burned and the left did nothing to stop it. In fact there were factions of the mainstream media who encouraged the violent riots that swept through our cities. Cities burned, businesses destroyed, illegal guns handed out to everyone and anyone who wished to participate in the takeover. Collusion between factions of the United States government, media, technology, corporations, financial sectors and the ccp have been exposed with solid evidence that has been successfully diverted from the public up until now. Media platforms that wished to expose the evidence have been and are being censored and shut down in order to orchestrate this coup.

We have been propagandized that a pandemic has accidently escaped from the wet market in the Wuhan Province in China when all the evidence points to a biological attack by the ccp upon the world in this attempt for worldwide domination. Conflicting reports of the possible danger or lack thereof have been so confusing that one does not know who or what to believe. Statistics have been falsified in order to support the claim that shutdowns or lockdowns are necessary to combat this virus. Yet major corporations and businesses are allowed to stay open while the backbone of the American economy, small businesses, are destroyed. Why? Because the major corporations and the financial sector are major contributors to the democrat party.

The rights of the American people are being systematically destroyed. The right to assembly is gone. The right to peaceful protest is abolished. The right to worship is being decimated. Free speech is obliterated. These are actions that are taking place as we wrestle with what’s next on a daily basis. The right to a fair and legal election is no longer supported. The left will now control all factions of the government and will oppress the people by any means necessary. The right to bear arms will be attacked next. The filibuster will be abolished making way for the destruction of the Electoral College. The House and Senate will be controlled by the left making way for Washington D. C. and possibly Puerto Rico to become states to further establish a deeper democrat majority in both houses,. There is also talk of splitting California into three separate entities in order to pack the House and Senate with larger democrat majorities making it impossible for the two party system to function any longer. Once this is accomplished the Supreme Court will be packed to further the policies the democrats wish to invoke so there will be no legal challenges to their directives. In essence, the executive and judicial branches of government will be as a figure head branch with no balance of power to represent the people as intended by our founding documents.

We are in a time of dire straits. But reaction at this time is pointless. We were caught unawares as to who and what our enemy and enemies are. It is now a time to regroup and wait to see what oppressive actions this new government will take against the people. They have stated their intent and mean to follow through with their rhetoric. The inauguration takes place on January 20th. The two new senators from Georgia are sworn in on January 22nd. That is when the changes will take place. Actions are already taking place to destroy factions of the populist movement. Insurances are being dropped from those known Trump supporters. 75 million people who voted for the Trump/Pence ticket have been labeled domestic terrorists and there are repercussions that will be invoked when these hit lists start to surface. Lockdowns will remain in place because that is how the left has demonstrated their control over the people of this nation. Businesses will be destroyed and people will die from other means than this virus whose recovery rate is over 99%. Information will be censored and means of communication will be revised to control any attempt to unite to regain our rights. This is not a police state. This is the new Communist States of America. Our economic system will not be one of capitalism or even democratic socialism. We are entering into a phase of a two tier economic system and along with this system comes slavery. Those at the top will need the lower sector to perform the function of silent robots in order to maintain the lifestyle they wish to maintain and those on the lower spectrum are replaceable and expendable.  What the left hopes to achieve is a society that will bow to their will as they force stricter and stricter controls upon the populace. Their goal is to make the American people totally subservient to the new government as they dole out the sustenance they think we need with no conscience as to the freedoms which they have wrested away from us.  

The picture I paint is one based in reality as these are the policies the left have stated they wish to accomplish. What we as a people must do is to be patient. What will happen, and history has repeated itself time and time again, is the left will start to feed upon their own. This has already started to happen as those who supported this coup but might have recently said something that the far left does not agree with are being attacked and attempted to be destroyed. This will continue all the while the left will oppress the populist movement. Any faction of the left that shows any sign of moderation will be labeled as insurrectionists, ostracized and placed in the same camp as the populist movement. The left means to destroy those who oppose them and their ultimate goal is the death on the populist movement and in order for that to happen they mean to obliterate any person who opposes them. Yes, the left is on a path of genocide as that is the only means they have to suppress the populist movement. What will also happen is the restrictions that will take place will also affect the people who supported this coup through the election. Seeing these restrictions they will become disenfranchised with the oppression that is invoked upon them. And some will join the counter revolution that will be necessary to take this nation back.

The main thing that must take place is the readjustment of our election process to maintain stability in our government. But if the goals of the left are achieved this readjustment will not occur without a counter revolution. But now is not the time to instigate such a revolution. That day will come. Times will be harsh and hard until then. What we have witnessed is the culmination of a movement that started decades if not a century ago. This nation has always had enemies and we had become complacent as to our system of government. The extent of this coup caught us by surprise as we thought nothing like this could ever happen to this nation and to we the people. But it has and now we will suffer the consequences for our complacency. But in our suffering we must learn. We must plan. We must study. And we must remember. We as a people fought and defeated the strongest army in the world to become a free people and nation. It did not happen overnight. There were many hardships that had to be endured. Many lives were lost. Much blood was spilled. Many battles fought. Before the first shots were fired plans were discussed. Strategies studied. Tactics theorized. We face this mountain again. Do we take on that task or remain slaves to those who think they are our masters? This is the question we must answer. From out of the ashes will come a new nation.

Ric Wells

Common Man


Wednesday, January 6, 2021




Sovereignty of the nation-state is the basic foundation of the Westphalian philosophy.  Sovereignty is also the basic concept of the populist movement. We are each unto ourselves but in cooperation with others. This philosophy has been traced and documented in history to 1648 when The Peace of Westphalia put an end to the thirty Years war which involved most of the major powers in Europe ie. Germany, France, Spain, Sweden and others. This treaty established borders for each country and thus established the notion of separate nation-states throughout Europe. Even though The Peace of Westphalia is credited for the establishment of the concept of the nation-state I would like to take this philosophy in a different direction.

Throughout human history the concept of borders has been a reality to distinguish one’s own land from another. Even as far back as the formation of the earliest civilizations there has always been the notion of separate territories. Clans would claim a certain part of this earth as their own and any infringement upon their territories could ignite an act of war and retaliation. The concept of sovereignty has been a staple in humankind for as far as anyone can document clans, tribes, family structures and so on. Hunting grounds, farm lands, natural resources such as mountains, rivers and lakes were considered boundaries and thus created divisions between clans and peoples. These boundaries expanded due to cooperation between clans as they recognized there is strength in numbers when warding off enemies, hunting, planting and searching for new and expanded territories that were unoccupied. Marriages were arranged to expand clans and cooperation long before The Peace of Westphalia was written and signed. Thus the concept of sovereignty within a nation was ingrained into the human experience and was sought after to ward off enemies and intruders. Wars were fought long before the Westphalian Philosophy due to invasion of another’s lands, property, resources and riches. It is the establishment of the boundaries of people’s that have lead to the strength and weakness of the system.

Many attempts have been made to overturn and overrun the concept of nations whether it be as clans, tribes, families, villages and expansion into countries. Many attempts have been disguised on the concept of dictatorial regimes, concept of known world domination at the time of the attempt. The Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire,  The British Empire, Spain, France, Egypt, Africa, Russia and so many others have complicit in their attempts to dominate the world. But all have failed. In the spotlight now is China through the Chinese Communist Party or ccp.

The ccp has infiltrated and invaded our in many ways. Whether it be through our education system, financial sector, political establishment, media outlets, technology the ccp has propagandized these sectors to attempt to brainwash the people of this nation that what they espouse is a form of socialism that is inherent in equality. History has proven time and time again that this form of government and economic philosophy ultimately divides the people between the conquerors and the conquered. A split caste system is developed by the elite of the new system and the lower class is given enough sustenance to survive as long as they serve the elites to their satisfaction.

There are promises inherent in this attempt towards world domination by the ccp. Words of cooperation and world-wide globalism are bandied about in order to settle and qualm any fears of those who cooperate with the attempted coup. But nothing is further from the truth. The intention of the ccp is not an open globalist society where all work and live in harmony together. Their ultimate goal is to expand their own borders and control the peoples of the world to serve their appetites. The goal to overthrow America is to gain access and control of our resources and farmlands. The ccp is in desperate need to feed their own people and our nation is the breadbasket of the world. By controlling our nation the ccp will also control the most powerful military on the globe making it easier to destroy other nation-states and incorporate them into the realm of Chinese communism.

Communist and Marxist propaganda has infiltrated and is now dominating the left of our nation. The move to tear down boundaries and borders goes against what has been the existing structure of what has served humankind for centuries and millennia. All nations, whether it be countries, regions, clans, families, tribes and other organizations, have borders. Throughout history civilizations have grown because they had distinct borders. Neanderthals, Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, American Indians, Europeans, India, China, Africa, Australians although theirs is a natural boundary, all have and have had boundaries and borders.

Now the left is insisting that this nation go against our inherent instinct to separate from our threats and our enemies. Cries to tear down our borders are heard as a means to unify the world. And yet borders are needed from a safety aspect for a nation to survive. Without borders we would not have a border patrol and thus 10,000 machine guns shipped from the ccp and designated for MS-13, blm and antifa would not have been discovered and confiscated. The left talks of gun confiscation and control all the while arming their own military coup force in their attempt to take over this nation. These are the very same factions that are Prophets Endorsing Deception And Lies (PEDALS) for short. The PEDALS of this nation are being financed by the ccp and others in order to expand China’s boundaries, borders, influence, philosophy and corruption. This has become extremely evident in the attack on the world by the ccp of the Corona Virus, the buying of assets all over the world to spread their iron fist of influence and domination. Politicians, justices, financiers and institutions in our nation have been corrupted and in such depth that a total purging of the people in these institutions and in certain circumstances the institutions need to be overhauled and or destroyed and retooled to adhere to the foundation and intent of the formation of this nation. The corruption in this nation is evident and spider-webbed throughout the land and the branches of government that are supposed to serve the people.

For the past four years we have had a president that has lead in the fight to expose and destroy those who wish to control the people. But the fight is long and hard. We are on the precipice of the most corrupt election this nation has ever witnessed. The corruption, deception and lies are widespread. The control to overtake this nation is blatant. The attempt to tear down the system of government that has served us for over 250 years is evident. The baton has now been passed to the most powerful force in this nation. The people. We have learned through the evidence of the attempt to enslave and destroy us, not only as a nation but also as a people. We the inheritors of this nation are reviled and hated by those who wish to destroy us because we are the ultimate line of defense that will maintain our nation-state as an entity under the Westphalian philosophy. And in doin so other nations will be saved to maintain the balance necessary to stop the attempt of corruption, slavery, separation of the people between servers and served. We will not and cannot bow down to the PEDALS. This is not only the fight for our nation but for the free world as well. Free to live. Free to explore. Free to expand and grow in cooperation with others. Free to learn. Free to create. Free to worship. Free to walk down the street without being harassed or accosted. Free to breathe. Free to think. Free to defend oneself against the forces of tyranny. This is what is at stake right now. We as a nation must organize in defense of our right to live in a free society governed by common sense laws and still  ranted the rights given to us by our Creator as stated in the foundational documents of this nation. There is too much at stake here to rely on others. The political system, the branches and institutions of the federal and state governments continue to block logic and evidence. Oaths of office have been destroyed. Attempts to destroy our Constitution and the systems of or government are consistently and constantly under attack. This must be stopped and stopped now. Even if the attempted coup of the white house is successful we must not be deterred. We must rise like the phoenix from the ashes of corruption and retake what is ours. We must not let our nation-state be destroyed at such a young age. We must defend her to our last breath in order to save ourselves from ultimate extinction for that is the oal od the left, antifa, blm and others. If successful they will take steps to eliminate us. They have stated as such by shipping us off to education camps. Just look at history, Chinese factions have and are using education camps, Germany used them in their concentration camps, Russia used them in shipping people to Siberia, the United States ahs used them with interment camps. It is an all to familiar concept and it results in the disappearance of people’s who do not agree with your philosophy or your policies.

It is all too evident that this nation is on the verge of destruction as we know it. The future does not portend smooth times ahead. But our future has naver been smooth. We have had to fight for everything we have accomplished. This is no different. The stakes are much higher. So prepare yourself for rough times ahead as they are coming. These will be the times that will test the mettle of our spirit, our will, our determination and our faith. The next four years may be the hardest test this nation has ever faces. In fact in my opinion no matter who wins the senate and the white house the next four years will be the toughest, hardest, the most grueling time of our and this nations existence. It will not be pretty. War never is. There will be blood. People will die. This nation has been and will be divided until this is settled and the dust clears. We are in for the fight of our lives. Rise, unite, organize and prepare. Our enemy is known but they do not know of our will and our capabilities. But they will and they will lie in horror as their failure becomes evident. Arrests, convictions, fights and warfare await them. Penalties of treason, being complicit of sedition, corruption, collusion and murder await them. The day of reckoning has arrived and it is a physical, psychological and spiritual was that is in our destiny. We must follow through to persevere, obtain victory and survive. It is that simple.

Ric Wells

Common Man


#war #freedom #survival #coup #enemy

Sunday, January 3, 2021




2020 has been a year that has shaken this nation and, in some cases, the world to its core. I have read the many sentiments that this past year was one of the worst this nation has ever encountered. If one chooses to focus on the events that negatively affected this nation then one is not seeing the total picture. Granted we underwent an impeachment based upon false and illegal allegations. Then we learned of a virus that was unleashed against the world by the Chinese Communist Party in their effort for world domination. Then we saw an alignment with the CCP and various factions of the democrat party that pushed their platform from liberal to Marxist. This nation had to undergo riots in the streets and the assault and takeover of private and public properties by violent factions of the left while democrat governors and mayors sat by the wayside and ordered police to stand down. District Attorneys aided in this insanity by refusing to prosecute rioters and judges simply let the guilty free which further emboldened the anarchist efforts.

All the while false information was spread throughout this nation and the world by a corrupt media as to the data and supposed danger of this virus. In an effort to invoke fear into the population pictures were constantly being shown on mainstream media and false interviews being undertaken in order to bolster the left’s coup to take over control of this nation. All the while factions of the left worldwide were planning the absolute destruction of this nation’s election process.

Now as some will state how is this a blessing? Did we not escape one of the worst years in United States history? In some ways I can see the point but let’s look at these events in a different light. At first glance one can look at these events as individual events that struck this nation nonstop and relentlessly. On the other hand when one pulls back the curtain of deception and corruption one can begin to see these events tie together as part of a master plan incorporated by the left, the democrat party, factions of the republican party, antifa, blm, the ccp, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, the msm, big tech, the education system and the central banks to obtain absolute over the government of the United States and then spread their totalitarian grip over the rest of the world. The Vatican has even joined in this effort as the pope has made backroom deals with the ccp in their effort for globalization and domination. Germany has now jumped onto the globalist train much to the chagrin and disdain of its citizenry. Expect riots to break out in Germany very soon in a populist effort to quell this insanity.

What we, as a freedom loving people, have been shown is exactly who our enemy is. It has been exposed that this enemy has absolutely no respect for human life, rights and freedoms. There is no regard on the left for the illegal rules and regulations they impose while disregarding these very same rules and regulations. It has been exposed that this planned coup will go to any lengths to achieve their goal of nation and worldwide domination. Time and time again we have witnessed our elected officials disregard the very foundational laws that were invoked at the inception of this nation. The breaking of sacred oaths of office have been heard crashing and shattering from east to west coast and from northern to southern borders.

People from around the world are wondering when these elected officials will garner the courage to correct this takeover.  They are in dismay that these very same officials from both parties are ignoring their sacred duty to uphold their oaths of office and defend this nations birthright. They stand in shock, as we do, that the very foundation of this nation is being ignored and destroyed.

But the enemy has now been exposed and it has a much wider spider web than we could have imagined. Part of the battle is to know who and what your enemy is. Another part is to know to what extent this enemy will go to achieve their goals. Another part is to determine the strength and resolve this enemy has to support their plans. The answer is this enemy is strong and thus far capable of controlling the actions taken in this effort. But the tidal wave of resistance is rising. The people are awakening to the reality that the salvation of this nation lies solely in their hands. At the present time plans are being made to combat this coup. Demonstrations will take place to protest the outcome of this illegal election. But in the wings lies the rising of the phoenix. It has become apparent that if this nation is to survive as intended by its foundation a complete revolution by the people will and must take place. Fire must be met with fire. If this includes the overtaking of state houses, the national congress, the white house and the supreme court then that is what needs to be done.

 What has been lost in all of this propaganda by the left is that this nation was fought for and formed by revolution and this is what is emblazoned in our DNA. We are a nation that if slapped in the face will never turn the other cheek. That is the first step of a dual. But this has gone much further than a slap, a stray shot, a caging of the people. These actions by the left and others are exactly the same actions taken by those who wished to stop this nation from forming. The smoldering fire of resistance has been ignited and is growing into a flame. That flame has enough kindling and fuel to further strengthen. At a certain point this flame will burst into an inferno and all hell will break loose. The people are armed for this action as envisioned by our founding fathers and our founding documents. It is coming close to the time when the people will tell their representatives and institutions to step aside, we’ve got this. Will blood flow? Sadly yes. Will people die? Again yes. But that is what happens when you fight for what you truly believe in. Our founding fathers and the colonists faced certain death if their revolution failed. But they knew this and yet had the courage to pursue what they felt were their God given right as human beings. Freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to worship. Freedom to live. Freedom to govern themselves. Freedom to be happy. Freedom to walk down the streets of their individual cities, towns and villages without the threat of being questioned by storm troopers. To walk and breathe the fresh air without being harassed by others who are trying to invoke draconian measures of suffocation and chains. These chains were broken some 250 years ago and must remain broken. This is what this nation stands for. This is what must be preserved. This is our heritage and our inheritance and no one and nothing will be successful in ripping that from our grasp without a fight to the death. This is our nation and we will undergo every effort, every strategy, every tactic to combat the satanic evil that has befallen upon us in order to live, breathe, prosper and progress as a free people. This we invoke. This we pledge. And this we vow to our Creator and ourselves. This is the blessing of 2020.

Ric Wells

Common Man


#freedom #revolution #satanic #coup